Sunday, May 22, 2016

Re: [AskAVet] Digest Number 3375

Wish I could help, but I don't do calves (yet).  Very interested in your outcome, though, as I have been considering getting one.
Renee Ilse, John Lyons Certified Trainer
and CHA Certified Level 2 Riding Instructor
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Helping people in South Central Texas
"God forbid I go to a Heaven where there are no horses!"

From: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2016 4:07 AM
Subject: [AskAVet] Digest Number 3375

Need to ask health questions on horses?

1 Message

Digest #3375
Bottle Calf by "Joyce O" snafflesnshelties


Sat May 21, 2016 6:30 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Joyce O" snafflesnshelties

I brought a one day old calf home on mothers day.

Same herd I have bought from for 4 or 5 years.

Farmer said he had two calves that needed to go because the teats were too
big for the calves to get a hold of. Older calf had been nursing from 2
tiny teats that pointed backwards and were 1/2 way up the udder.

When I got home it was obvious the calf was weak

Calf wouldnt suck a bottle so I drenched her. Didnt use colostrum because
farmer felt she had been nursing and got the colostrum. I am pretty sure
they were duds.

Had to drench her for feedings... dont remember what days that week she did
take the bottle. She would take about 5 sucks and pause as if her guts hurt.

She developed screaming scours. I gave he sustain III and it didnt seem to

Finally had to start drenching.

Called the vet this past monday afternoon.. Calf looked wonderful... had to
tell she had a problem. Vet took a fecal and it showed 4 bacteria. She
didnt tell me which ones.
She left 5 tablets of a sulfa med that I gave one a day for 5 days.

Picked up 2 2/5 cc's of baytril at the clinic.

I had been giving the calf probiotics and the sustain II as well as B12.
And some electrolytes

Monday night and tues morning I still had to drench

Tuesday I gave her 8 cc's of pen G. The bottle said 2 was too much for her

Tiuesday night had to drench.

Wednesday morning she took the bottle without stopping.

Been drenching ever since...except one day and that one I dont remember.It
was a bottle of electrolytes.

Yesterday .. Friday she started to look like she was loosing weight.
Put her out on pasture thur and friday and she eats grass.

She is not dehydrating.

Called the vet clinic this morning and spoke to a the clinic manager.t one
who asked a vet who was in the clinic. I was told to give a botlle every 2
hours... switching between milk replacer and electrolytes

I asked if the vet said anything about how much because if I gave 2 quarts
every two hours the calf would blow up.

the way I have left it, I will feed every 2 hours and only give a quart at
a time.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there an over the counter bacteria
treatment? Home remedy?

My other two calves are not scouring. I gave them sustain III last night
and they seem to be find this morning.

The calf is angus and probably doesnt weigh more than 70 pounds.

I am about to loose my sanity with this.

the farmer grew up on this farm with his father and inherited it from his
dad. Farmer is about 52 yrs old. Has never wormed or vaccinated his herd.
The adults look good but I have been told his 6 month old calves tend to
look terrible.

He doesnt believe in supplementing bred cows with special feeds or minerals

Joyce aka Mom aka Nana


Posted by: Renee Ilse <>
